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Importance of IGF-1 in fighting cancer

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Throughout most of the twentieth century, age-adjusted death rates for many of our most common cancers were vastly lower in much of the Third World than in comparatively wealthy industrialized countries such as the United States. These types of cancers thus became known as "Western cancers." They include cancers of the

Silymarin: A disease-fighting agent

By Dr. Francisco Contreras Silymarin is a disease-fighting agent derived from milk thistle. Several studies have shown that silymarin is a very strong antioxidant, capable of scavenging both free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which results in a boost to cellular defense mechanisms. For the last twenty years, scientific researchers have also been studying the cancer

Immune Stimulation Therapy

New alternative treatments  include a number of agents that can aid the immune system’s ability to attack cancer by optimizing the function of natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. NK cells have the potential to kill a broad range of cancer cells, whereas cytotoxic T lymphocytes target cancer cells that express specific proteins

Is Conventional Treatment Catching Up with Massage Therapy?

by Melanie L. Bowen Massage therapists are among those who may have the keenest sense of how beneficial palliative care is to cancer patients and survivors. In a treatment regimen that tends to take the body down to its affected parts, massage returns the collective body, mind and spirit back to the patient to feel

Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT)

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT), also known as low dose chemotherapy, is one of the safest and most innovative approaches to treating cancer. It is a kinder, gentler way to fight cancer effectively, including particularly aggressive cancers such as lung cancer and colon cancer, but is also effective on a wide variety of cancer types. This

Every Cancer is Unique

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Cancers arise by progressive accumulation of random mutations. Each cell has tens of thousands of genes, and each of these genes can be altered in literally hundreds of ways. So each cancer is absolutely unique. Moreover, because cancers tend to acquire mutations more rapidly than healthy cells, they are constantly evolving

Pomegranate Extract for Prostate Cancer Patients

Tumor-specific nutraceuticals for prostate cancer patients is pomegranate extract. Although most pomegranate research has focused on potential benefits for cardiovascular health, the possibility that pomegranate extracts could influence the induction and growth of cancer is now receiving attention. Indeed, two recent studies have demonstrated that oral administration of pomegranate fruit extract can slow the growth

How Cancer Rises

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Throughout life, the human body accumulates mutations in the genetic material of its stem cells – cells that retain the capacity to divide. This genetic material (DNA) can be damaged by activated carcinogens derived from the environment, or by oxidant chemicals produced as natural part of cellular metabolism. Mutations can also

Fight and Prevent Cancer with Selenium

The use of selenium in cancer therapy is motivated, in part, by substantial evidence that good selenium nutrition can reduce cancer risk. Dr. Larry Clark, and colleagues, conducted a massive double blind clinical study that recruited over 1,300 American subjects known to be at high risk for skin cancer, but free of any serious cancers

Tomatoes are Rich in Cancer Fighting Lycopene

The role for dietary lycopene in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer was first suggested by epidemiological studies pointing to a decrease in risk for serious prostate cancer in men who consumed an ample amount of tomato products. Tomatoes are very rich in the carotenoid lycopene, and tomato products represent the chief source of