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Home/Tag:alternative cancer

Every Cancer is Unique

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Cancers arise by progressive accumulation of random mutations. Each cell has tens of thousands of genes, and each of these genes can be altered in literally hundreds of ways. So each cancer is absolutely unique. Moreover, because cancers tend to acquire mutations more rapidly than healthy cells, they are constantly evolving

Pomegranate Extract for Prostate Cancer Patients

Tumor-specific nutraceuticals for prostate cancer patients is pomegranate extract. Although most pomegranate research has focused on potential benefits for cardiovascular health, the possibility that pomegranate extracts could influence the induction and growth of cancer is now receiving attention. Indeed, two recent studies have demonstrated that oral administration of pomegranate fruit extract can slow the growth

Fight and Prevent Cancer with Selenium

The use of selenium in cancer therapy is motivated, in part, by substantial evidence that good selenium nutrition can reduce cancer risk. Dr. Larry Clark, and colleagues, conducted a massive double blind clinical study that recruited over 1,300 American subjects known to be at high risk for skin cancer, but free of any serious cancers

Tomatoes are Rich in Cancer Fighting Lycopene

The role for dietary lycopene in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer was first suggested by epidemiological studies pointing to a decrease in risk for serious prostate cancer in men who consumed an ample amount of tomato products. Tomatoes are very rich in the carotenoid lycopene, and tomato products represent the chief source of

Sodium Bicarbonate: Increase Your Body’s Alkaline Level

"Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy" by Dr. Francisco Contreras Sodium bicarbonate helps to increase the pH of the blood thus making the cancer patient more alkaline. Tumors grow in a low pH or acidic environment.  By increasing a cancer patients body pH and making it more alkaline, alternative cancer treatments such as intravenous vitamin C and ozone therapy

AHCC: Cancers Natural Enemy

A good method on how to boost the immune system is through the use of active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), an extract obtained from several kinds of mushroom. Mushroom extracts are known to have immunomodulation and antitumor effects. AHCC is very effective in strengthening and optimizing the capacity of the immune system. The Oasis of

CNN Story on Oasis of Hope patient: Denise Fisher In 2010, CNN ran a story on an Oasis of Hope patient named Denise Fisher. We wanted to share her inspiring story with all of you.

Ozone Treatments at Oasis of Hope When most people hear the word ozone, they think of what they often smell after a thunderstorm, when lightning has literally "supercharged" the air. Or, if they remember their high school science class, they think of the ozone layer as an invisible but protective "blanket" near (or at) the top of our atmosphere. Ozone

What to do while in remission:

This is a great video about a doctor who undergoes cancer treatment. Very inspirational because he treats himself with integrative therapy.  

Skin Cancer Prevention Tips Skin cancer can be prevented by practicing good protection from the sun. Clinical studies have shown that by reducing ones exposure to the sun, the incidence of skin cancer is also lower. Here are 8 tips for skin cancer prevention:  Avoid tanning beds. Take Vit D3 supplements. Around 5,000 IU a day. If you