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The Impact of Stress on the Immune System

Stress seems to be an integral part modern life. It presses in upon us from everywhere - our jobs, our families, our neighbors, other drivers, the weather - you name it. You may think that these stresses create our attitudes, and they can. But it also works the other way around; our internal attitudes impact

How to Prepare your Food

The discovery of fire revolutionized life in many ways, but the greatest impact was on food. It is very interesting that tribes in all parts of the world have developed incredibly similar ways of foods involving the use fire. Bread, for example, is a universal food that is baked. In addition, a fair number of

Laughter at the Cellular Level

When you laugh, this is an overview of how your body changes at the cellular level: Cells that produce antibodies increase in number. Cells that combat viruses fall into formation and get ready for battle. All of this is the direct result of a good joke! No wonder comedians like George Burns live so long!

What is Alternative Medicine? Part 1

In general, alternative medicine is anything that has not been tested, approved, recommended or condoned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the American Medical Association (AMA) of the United States of America. The United State’s medical system is benchmark for the rest of the world, an anything  that is approved by the FDA

Boost Your Immune System with Laughter

By Dr. Francisco Contreras IN A SERIES of studies at Loma Linda University in California, researcher Lee Berk discovered that watching a comedy video can strengthen your immune system in very measurable ways. Just as stressful emotions such as grief and anger can suppress your immune system, positive emotions such as laughter can have the

Red Wine: Here’s to a long Cancer Free Life

RED WINE is an important component in Mediterranean dietary traditions. Its considered the explanation of the French paradox that coronary heart disease in France is the lowest among industrial countries, despite the high incidence of risk factors such as smoking, a high-fat diet and the lack of exercise of its citizens. Longevity among the French

Learn Visit Decide

Learn, Visit, Decide: Complimentary 2 day Diagnostic Exam  Prior to any cancer treatment, many of our patients visit Oasis of Hope for diagnostic physical exam. Each patient receives a complete review of their medical history, diagnosis (if necessary), their case discussed in a medical session, and is be offered treatment options by Dr. Francisco Contreras. Services

Conventional vs. Alternative Cancer Treatments

by Dr. Francisco Contreras. In conventional medicine, the focus is the disease: In alternative medicine, the focus is the patient. Let’s discuss conventional cancer treatment first. The goal of conventional oncology therapies—chemotherapy, radiation and surgery—is tumor eradication. Each of these three interventions can be extremely effective when used properly. In many cases, any one of

Importance of IGF-1 in fighting cancer

by Dr. Francisco Contreras Throughout most of the twentieth century, age-adjusted death rates for many of our most common cancers were vastly lower in much of the Third World than in comparatively wealthy industrialized countries such as the United States. These types of cancers thus became known as "Western cancers." They include cancers of the

Silymarin: A disease-fighting agent

By Dr. Francisco Contreras Silymarin is a disease-fighting agent derived from milk thistle. Several studies have shown that silymarin is a very strong antioxidant, capable of scavenging both free radicals and reactive oxygen species, which results in a boost to cellular defense mechanisms. For the last twenty years, scientific researchers have also been studying the cancer