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Video: About Oasis of Hope

There are few, if any, more frightening words than “cancer.” For many people, that word is not a diagnosis, but rather a death sentence.

Roughly a million and a half Americans receive that diagnosis each year — and too many of them believe that their situation is practically hopeless. Daniel Kennedy and the Oasis of Hope insist that cancer is beatable through natural approaches — both through preventing, controlling, or even defeating cancer.

Founded in 1963 by the late Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. the Oasis of Hope pioneered a treatment vision called the Total Cancer Treatment Approach. It recognizes the need to treat the body, mind, and spirit. It is founded in the medical tradition of Hippocrates, and the Golden Rule as taught in the New Testament: Medical practitioners are taught to love the patient as they love themselves.

Dr. Contreras taught medical staff never to prescribe cancer treatments that would impair or destroy the patient’s quality of life, and to develop personalized therapies for each individual patient. More than 100,000 patients from 55 countries have sought out treatment at Oasis of Hope over the past 45 years.

Daniel Kennedy is lead counselor at the Oasis of Hope centers in California and Mexico. He joins us today to describe what he calls a Victory Plan in the struggle against cancer.